torsdag 27 januari 2011


This my latest school assignment. We had to pick a plant and draw it in stippling technique. I chose an Orchid since I thought they would be easy to draw. I miss calculated the time a little bit thought. I thought I would draw it fast, but it actually took me four days to finish it. But I´m quite happy with the outcome. 

onsdag 26 januari 2011


I drew this doodle last night. Got this idea in my head, which I just had to get down on paper. 
It´s inspired by the cover of Avenged Sevenfolds' album Nightmare. Which by the way is an amazing album, it´s not to often you come by an album where you like more than like three songs now days. 

I'm planing on continue with this one and draw a new sketch, maybe in a more exiting angle and with some more nightmare-ish elements, like maybe some spiders, bats or clowns. I haven´t had any references for there poses but I did use some pictures of skeletons to se how they are constructed. 

måndag 24 januari 2011

New Blog

So I finally got my as out of the wagon and created a blog here at, wohoo. Except  for blood, sweat and tears I intend to fill it with my latest sketches and art works. Hope you will enjoy it as much as I will.